It is with Great satisfaction that I present this article from one of Greece's top newspapers to people like Mila, Lombak, Kuvvaci, Istanbullu, and so many other who would incessantly write crap about the true origins of today's Greeks.
Below is a report on a study done by Stanford University in the USA and by Pavia University in Italy. Their research has concluded that the DNA make-up of today's Greek is 99.5% the same as the DNA make-up of the Hellenes (Greeks) of ancient times.
I have translated as much as I can below word-for-word.
To the mods: This is not meant to start a war nor am I a racist.Quite frankly, I could care less if the findings of this study had been different. However, it has been very frustrating to sit back all this time and be told by the resident experts/historians like Mila and Istanbullu that today's Greek has nothing to do with the Greeks of the past or yokels like Lombak spewing his Africa theories. In fact, their statements at times were extremely racist and offensive to many greeks on this site. So, with facts I hope to dispel their false theories.
Again, this is a study from STANFORD UNIVERSITY, not some Greek propaganda crap:
1) The DNA make-up of today's Greeks is 99.5% white. The study cliams that today's Greek has 99.5% the same DNA make-up as as the white Greeks of ancient times.
2) Contrary to beliefs by many in Turkey and certain Slavic nations of ex-Yugoslavia, Greek DNA has not been influenced, nor altered, by the mixture of Slavic or Turkish DNA, even though Ottomans ruled a large part of Greece for 400 years.
3) Out of a sample of 925 modern-day Greek DNA, only 0.4% exhibited non-white DNA.
4) To a large extenet, Greeks of the ancient time "transfered" their DNA to other parts of Europe through their conquests. The study showed that, today, Greek DNA is most similar to: a) Italian DNA, b) French DNA, c) Spanish DNA, d) Turkish DNA.
5) The DNA of Italians in modern day southern Italy is the closest match to the DNA of their Greek neighbors.
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