
Κυριακή 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Γίνεται ηλεκτρονική ταχυδρόμηση: FT.com - In depth - EU reluctantly plans Greece bail-out


Financial Times FT.com

Greece debt crisis

EU reluctantly plans Greece bail-out

By Tony Barber in Brussels

Published: January 28 2010 20:03 | Last updated: January 28 2010 20:03

The talks among the European Union's top policymakers on how to extend emergency support to Greece have yet to produce a formal rescue plan because Germany, France and others in the 16-nation eurozone insist that the Greek government bears the primary responsibility for digging itself out of its crisis, EU officials said.

But with pressure on Greek debt building rapidly in financial markets, policy experts at the European Commission – the guardian of the eurozone's fiscal rules – are hard at work identifying ways to help Greece and stabilise Europe's monetary union, now facing its most serious challenge since the euro's birth in 1999.

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